Rock Salt (Sengha Namak)

Rock Salt (Sengha Namak)
Ayurveda considers Rock Salt as one of the finest quality of salts available for human use and is considered the purest form of salt. Hence, I will offer rock salt for certain health benefits because of the numerous nutrients possessed by it. Benefits: Rock Salts boosts metabolism Rock salt can be used to stimulate our body’s metabolism and ultimately improve the functioning of our body. Rock Salts helps in Stabilising blood pressure Rock salt helps to stabilise blood pressure by maintaining a balance of high and low blood pressure. People suffering from low blood pressure must take rock salt to control their blood pressure. Rock Salt Boosts immunity Rock salt provides all the essential minerals required by our body and helps to improve the body immune system. Rock Salt Purifies Air Rock salt works as a natural air purifier. It possesses the properties to pull out the toxic components from the environment and helps to neutralize the atmosphere. Rock Salt helps in Reducing Stress Rock salt helps to relax the mind and the body. It can be consumed by mixing it with water on a daily basis to manage stress and anxiety. Hot tub bath also relieves stress, anxiety and refreshes the body. Take 4tbsp sengha namak and 2tsp. mustard oil in hot water and sit for 20 minutes. Rock Salt helps in improving digestion Rock salt improves digestion, relieves stomach pain and infection in a natural way. Rock Salt helps in Weight loss Rock salt helps in curbing our craving. It also helps to increase the metabolism rate in the body which again helps in reducing the weight. Rock Salt helps in relieves sore throat Reducing inflammation and pain is one of the best benefits of rock salt. Just warm and rock saltwater gargles for sore throat reduce inflammation and pain. Skin health Sengha Jamal exfoliates and cleanses our skin. Sengha scrub message rejuvenated and refreshes the skin. How to consume: After numerous benefits, excess usage of rock salt can lead to iodine deficiency. Just like our normal table salts, there is no iodine added to rock salts. Yet excess of rock salt may lead to higher blood pressure, hyperchloremia, or high chloride levels etc.